
Armature input-output book

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The system comes to replace the armature input-output book which is used by the person guarding the ward in the army.

Some examples of the app’ s functionality

generally the app

Main screen of the app


Screen for adding new movement of gun



Build Instructions

  1. Download the project.
  2. Import it into Eclipse.
  3. Build & Run.

Pre-Built Instructions

  1. Download the latest version archive (gun from the releases tab.
  2. Extract the folder from the zip.
  3. Make sure the .jar executable, media folder and db file are in the same folder.
  4. Run the .jar file.

Built With

  • Java - The programming language used.
  • Java Swing - The framework used for the GUI.
  • FlatLaf - The library for custom look and feel of the application
  • JDBC driver (sqlite-jdbc-3.21.0) - The driver in order to achieve connection between the application and the SQLite compatible database file which contains information about the soldiers, guns and the movements of the guns.
  • Commons Lang 3.0


You can see the schema of the system’s database below


About the data of the app

  • All the data of the app are not real but they are used for exemplary purposes.